Jan 18, 2011

Role of Social Media in Organic Search Ranking

With the advent of Facebook and Twitter as the top emerging social networks today, Search Engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing have also evolved that made up Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with some changes – that is taking into consideration social media in search rankings. Social Media Optimization (SMO), is then been considered as most recent variety of SEO.

Social media role in SEO

SEO Specialists, Internet Marketers, and Webmasters should not think about SMO as an interruption from their normal SEO efforts; but this new trend should be installed to improve their websites’ SEO projections. Search Engines and Social Media should go well hand in hand. This can be seen as the search engines are finding more and more ways to use them together. In fact, the right blending of these two aspects of web promotions could ultimately tell us who has the most functional tools for web users.

Social Media for Organic Search Ranking

In Social Media Optimization, gaining profile links and shared or tweeted back links from individual social networks such as Facebook and Twitter would be the objective towards real time search. The greater impact you can shed on the social networking sites, the greater your SEO projections will improve as the time goes by. As we can see, Google have incorporated in their real time search the results and updates from Twitter as well as Bing allied to Facebook. Both Google and Yahoo give higher ranking to sites or content based upon social media voting.

So there is really a real closure between these gigantic websites. Let’s take a deeper look into how searches engines count social signals for organic ranking.

Twitter Tweets

A tweet is a status update on a microblogging website, Twitter. It’s been a powerful message allowing 140 characters or less, having a flexible link shortening and multi protocol services.

For Google, the link tweets take you to these dedicated social search services gathering content from social networks and leverage counted social signals from those networks to help decide what should rank well. Most links in Twitter are nofollow links but it doesn’t matter instead it helps improve the news results. You can see it how page rank and Google index cached the most tweeted and most shared content, which can be considered as the most visited. Automatically, when the page is tweeted most, Google will rank it to the search results. So, gaining more tweets to your content pays off.

But it’s quite different for Bing, Bing looks at the social authority of the users counting the followers on how many people they follow and how many follow them. Link carries much more weight in Bing Social Search when someone in authority especially public figures tweets the link and that will flow to the top when best match relevancy is being used.

Facebook Shares and Likes

The web-wide Facebook “Like” button and a “share” maybe are present in your website now. The idea of Facebook Connect, Likes and toolbars give just enough access to data to satisfy developers and all but the most perceptive web user. How search engines count “likes” and “shares” for organic ranking?
In Bing search, the ranking is quite diverse. Bing currently looks at links shared on Facebook that are marked as being shared to “everyone” and those links from Fan Pages. So it follows that when your link will be shared most in Fan Pages and to everyone then the more your links will be indexed and gets higher organic rank in search.

Social media has really an unswerving effect on search engine rankings showing us how social media reviews, comments, and rankings are currently influencing search engine results, and that search engines are using social voting systems and social network trends to determine quality content. If you have a good piece of content, which is attractive to these networks, then share, tweet and submit the story yourself, ask a friend, or a top user in these networks. But remember to do this cautiously and carefully.

View original article at Chaaps: Role of Social Media in Organic Search Ranking


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